Monday, December 6, 2010

Masthead Experiment

Here I have experimented with a formal traditional font and used an Osprey picking up a newspaper as my logo in the background. The only problem I have with this is the colour and the arrangement of the newspaper.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Main areas

Orange- Main attraction
Yellow- Helping the community
Purple- Getting involved
Green- Article placement

This colour code should be helpful to identifying my websites main aspects

Final mock up of website

Here I have started to design the main features of my website such as the arrangement of different tabs and articles. I have looked at a variety of different local newspaper website and added important factors such as the cross references and search tools.

This is the final outcome of my website mock up. I have added new things such as the top stories list and local community changes to notify residence.

Website Mock Up

Here I have started to design the main features of my website such as the arrangement of different tabs and articles. I have looked at a variety of different local newspaper website and added important factors such as the cross references and search tools.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Click here to take my online Newspaper survey

Newspaper Proposal

Who is the newspaper aimed at? - All ages

How much will it cost? (It could be free) Since it is local it should be free

When will it be on sale and how frequent? (Weekly, bi-weekly,) – The issue should come out every month

What will be the content of the newspaper? - Local development and changes regarding the people living and working in the area
Is a “gap in the market?” – Yes because this will be something new and informative as well as beneficial

What is it about what you plan to do that’s different to what everyone else is already doing?- my newspaper will have exclusive details about coming plans and include articles regarding different agendas such as events and business propositions which can benefit residents.

What appropriate codes and conventions are you going to use? Strap lines, splash head, 4 colour pic, slogan, captions.
What other texts are there like the ones you intend to produce? – Harrow Observers, Wembley and Kingsbury times, Brent magazine, Hackney and Islington Gazette
The job the text has to do (entertain? sell something? hook an audience?)- Inform and involve local residence to do better for the community.

Common codes and conventions (the features they have in common) Masthead, dateline, strap line(optional), splash head, main article, 4 colour pic, supporting article(optional), advertisement(optional)

The reasons they make an impact (or fail to make an impact) on their audience. It will make a impact because it is relevant and a key factor to people living and working in the area.

The way in which the audience is addressed (‘spoken to’) The audience will be informed in a formal way, but in a way so it does ‘not bore other age’s such as teenagers.

The use of copy (slogans? mastheads? cover lines?) Change

The use of fonts. How many different fonts can you count on a single page, or in a single advertisement? Minimal amount’s of font’s will be used to it does ‘not have a magazine perspective.

The use of colour – what connotations can you read? Change, humanitarian

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Newspaper presentation

Check out this Slide Share Presentation: I have presented local newspapers and annotated them and their websites. I am now familiar with newspaper terminology and can compare and contrast a newspaper and its website from the advantage and disadvantages.